Discover 3 Different CBD Lotions You Should Be Experimenting With

Having sex is one of the most wonderful parts of being alive. It gives us better self-confidence, healthier relationships, and a higher quality of life.

Yet, many adults avoid having sex for a variety of reasons. One of the most significant is not being completely satisfied in the bedroom.

If you’re ready to spice up things in the bedroom and with your partner(s), CBD lotions and oils may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Beyond the bedroom, they have tons of health benefits, and it’s the perfect thing to try first. It’s easy to use and not intimidating in the least.

Read on to explore three CBD lotions and oils that you can implement today!

1. Earthly Body CBD Daily Massage Lotion – 8 Ounce

This CBD massage lotion is a mixture of essential oils, Hemp CBD, and cool menthol for the ultimate relaxation and pain relief. It is 100% non-psychoactive, contains 0% THC, and is vegan.

If you have tense muscles, using this CBD massage lotion will give you the sensation of relief and tranquility that you’ve been desiring.

Try using it with your partner. Show them the areas of your body that need to be relaxed. If you have any stress when in the bedroom, this is a great starting point.

It’s not greasy, so you won’t have any feeling of wanting to rinse it off – until you’re ready.

2. Hemp Seed Massage Oil 100% Natural Blend Isle For You – 8 Ounce

If you’re looking for the ultimate massage, a CBD oil lotion is for you. This is a blend of essential oils, hemp CBD, almond, grape seed, apricot, and Vitamin E.

It is made to be massaged. The nutrients will dive deep into your skin, giving you a deep conditioning feeling, soothing any pain or irritation in your muscles.

This massage oil glides across your skin, so ask your partner to rub a little on your shoulders and your neck to get started.

It’s non-greasy and can be used pretty much anywhere on your body that you can imagine. And, you can choose from a variety of exotic scents.

3. CBD Daily Skin Candle Hemp CBD and Essential Oils 100% Vegan – 5.3 Ounce

CBD skin candle is a little different than other lotions or oils. It’s also perfect for use in the bedroom.

This is a blend of essential oils and hemp CBD lotion, helping soothe sore joints, muscles, skin irritations, and much, much more.

To use, light the lotion candle and wait for a pool of melted, luscious, buttery lotion to appear.

Blow out the candle, and then either you or your partner can use your fingers to dip into the lotion and massage any areas that need or want some attention.

You can also drip the wax onto certain places for heightened pleasure and excitement. Just make sure to be careful with the hot lotion, and check that your skin has no adverse reactions ahead of time.

Why Not Try These CBD Lotions?

These CBD lotions could be the start of a spicier sex life for you and your partner. If you need a starting point and just aren’t sure where to look, CBD can offer you everything you’re looking for and much more.

Check out our collection of CBD products today to get started on your journey. We are always here to help, so don’t be afraid to reach out with any questions!